You are physically fit today.
But will you remain fit, if you don't
Workout Regularly?
Rules of Investing
Confused about debt equity proportion ?
Here are some rules that can make things easier for you!
Select your age to know the Equity percentage in your portfolio
Considering your age you should keep {{ equity_expo }}% in Equity mutual fund.
Find out how much you should save
Annual income
As per you annual income you should Save minimum ` {{ savings }}  every year.
Select your age to know the Debt percentage in Your Portfolio
Considering your age you should keep % in Debt mutual fund.
Find out how much you should invest via Sip
Annual income
As per you annual income you should invest minimum ` {{ savings_amt }}  per month via sip.
Avoid the choppy markets & erratic returns
Consider Debt Funds for safe returns
Taking risk with Equity Mutual Fund
is necessary & essential for good portfolio
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Disclaimer : is an online website of Amazing Investment who is registered vide ARN- 15689 as a Fund distributor. The said website is just an electronic presentation of financial planning for self help by investors. This site should not be treated as a financial advisory website as we do not charge for any calculation or results produced here. The website do not guarantees any returns or financial goal success by any means.
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